JUPYTER NOTEBOOK in Docker Container
Hello Everyone!!🖐
In this blog I am going to Lauched Jupyter Notebook inside Docker Container💧 that is running on the top of Redhat Linux 8🔴.

Now-a-days in IT world Docker is most used Technolgy . MNC’s now move to the docker world. Normally if we Launch a Docker container it launched in CLI mode.But here i am going to Launch a Docker container in GUI Mode.
For setup this Environment Technologies that are integrate:-
💥Redhat Linux 8
💥 Docker
STEP 1:-
Configure the Docker repo with extension “.repo” in “/etc/yum.repos.d” folder.

STEP 2:-
Start the Docker Service.

STEP 3:-
Pull a Image for Baseos (centos:latest)

STEP 4:-
Launch a Docker GUI Container

STEP 5:-
Install python3 in docker container

STEP 6:-
Install firefox in docker container

STEP 7:-
Install jupyter notebook in docker container

STEP 8:-
Launching Jupyter Notebook in Docker Container

STEP 9:-
Jupyter Notebook Launched in Docker Container

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